Working Papers and Preprints Under Review:
Epidemic Forecasting on Networks: Bridging Local Samples with Global Outcomes with Christian Borgs, Remco van der Hofstad, and Amin Saberi [paper]
The impact of COVID-19 mitigation and testing on reopening a U.S. school district
with Ramesh Johari, David Scheinker, Kevin Schulman, and Kristan Staudenmayer
A Local Graph Limits Perspective on Sampling-Based Graph Neural Networks with Luana Ruiz and Amin Saberi [paper]
Local Limits of Small World Networks with Senem Işik and Amin Saberi [paper]
Journal Publications:
Locality of Random Digraphs on Expanders with Christian Borgs and Amin Saberi
Annals of Probability (2023). [paper]
Sequential Importance Sampling for Estimating Expectations over the Space of Perfect Matchings with Persi Diaconis, Mohammad Roghani and Amin Saberi
Annals of Applied Probability (2023). [paper]
Relative-Risk and the Assessment of School Safety in the COVID-19 Pandemic with Kirankumar Shiragur, Ramesh Johari, David Scheinker, Kevin Schulman, and Kristan Staudenmayer
Health Management, Policy, and Innovation (2021). [paper]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers:
Incentive Compatibility in the Auto-bidding World with Aranyak Mehta and Andres Perlroth
ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC’23). [paper]
Excess Supply in Spatial Matching Markets with Mohammad Akbarpour, Shengwu Li and Amin Saberi
ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC’22). [paper]
Algorithms Using Local Graph Features to Predict Epidemics with Christian Borgs and Amin Saberi
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA’22). [paper]
Fractionally Log-Concave and Sector-Stable Polynomials: Counting Planar Matchings and More with Nima Anari, Kirankumar Shiragur, and Thuy-Duong Vuong
Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC’21) [paper]