The Value of Excess Supply in Spatial Matching Markets

with Mohammad Akbarpour, Shengwu Li and Amin Saberi (Work in Progress), 2021

We study dynamic matching in a spatial setting: there are $n$ riders and $m$ drivers placed uniformly at random on the interval $[0,\ell]$. The location of the drivers is known. The riders arrive in some (possibly adversarial) order and they have to be matched irrevocably to a driver at the time of arrival. The cost of matching a driver to a rider is equal to the $l_1$-norm of their distance on the interval. The question we consider is which strategy is better: to boost supply by attracting more drivers to the platform, or to have a perfect forecast and design an optimal matching technology?

We prove that if $m\geq (1+\epsilon)n$ for some $\epsilon>0$, the cost of matching returned by a simple greedy algorithm which pairs each arriving rider to the closest available driver is $\tilde{O}(\ell)$. On the other hand, when $n=m$, even an omniscient algorithm with perfect knowledge about the positions of riders cannot find a matching with cost better than $\Theta(\ell\sqrt{n})$. Our results shed light on the important role of supply in spatial matching markets: No level of sophistication in the matching algorithm and no amount of data to predict times and locations of future demand can beat a myopic greedy algorithm with a small excess supply.